21 Aug – Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

After much research about where all the whale watching boats
go to from Boston and Plymouth, we followed them to the Stellwagen Bank
National Marine Sanctuary just to the north of the Cape Cod peninsular. It is a
favourite summer feeding ground for Humpbacks, Fin whales and Minke whales.
Photographs can’t really do justice to the what it is like watching these creatures. Something extraordinary about their huge size and seeming gentleness. Humpbacks are the most prevalent here and are the only ones that show their tail flukes when they dive. We also got to see a mother and calf only 30 ft from the boat. The calf was definitely practicing manoeuvres and gave us a spectacular full body twisting breach as well as spyhopping, tail and fin slapping. It appeared to be playing to the crowd – zoologists scepticism noted!