17 July - Pulpit Harbour, Northaven, Maine 44:09.23N 18:52.99W

Bridget & Nick Gray
Thu 17 Jul 2014 03:12
The voyage ends - thank goodness. Definitely one of the most difficult, frustrating and uncomfortable ones I have had, although I did clock up 5000 miles somewhere in fog land. I also saw 2 Minke whales and had plenty of time to chat to Claude and Benj - not all bad.
We arrived here at 04.30 but too foggy to try and enter the harbour. We had to lurk outside amongst the lobster pots until the sun came up and we could at least see the fog better! It cleared for about 30 minutes at 07.30 so we entered and took a mooring buoy that Jethro, Benj's father had organized for us. Then a much welcomed cup of tea as we marveled at how far we could see and the colours of the sky and trees.....
Benj went off with Nick to find a phone to contact his family, whilst Claude and I cleared up and hung almost every piece of warm clothing on the boat to dry on the rails. The boat looked like it was full of refugees!
Nick returned having been to the islands new Farm Shop - a beautifully crafted timber frame barn. He also made a quick visit to the family home - Sabine Farm
In the evening we went there for supper, with all the Pettits and the friends who had kindly lent us their mooring.