38:20.1N 23:44.1E

Chris and Alison
Mon 1 Apr 2024 19:04

Well, that winter 4 months went quickly. We are back again in Greece beavering away on Muskie getting her ready for another 9 months of sailing in the Mediterranean. We have been here a week already and many jobs have been ticked off the list. The first major success is a working AIS. After 5 years of trying to diagnose various problems, Chris and Comar, on the IOW, have managed to get it working at last, now we can be seen and we can see other boats:)

Chris has been practicing his Pilates by bending himself into very tight spaces to fit a new hot water re-circulating pump that enables the hot water to be pumped to the taps more effectively thereby saving our precious water supply. 

I have put another coat of polish on Muskie’s topsides to try to protect our ageing gel coat from the ravages of the sun and sea water. The cockpit cushion covers that I made at home during the winter fitted the new pads that we brought in Turkey, so we now have comfortable cockpit cushions to sit on. 

Unfortunately, our new main halyard, that we carried out in our hand luggage, will not fit into the mast slot despite it being the same size. We wanted to go down a size to a 10mm, by using dyneema as we would get the strength we needed but with a smaller and lighter rope. However, when we talked to our local rigger, he said we would need ceramic clutches in order to have 10mm dyneema rope. We love Muskie, but not that much to replace our clutches with ceramic. All is not lost though, we have decided to use the new 12mm rope for the inner jib instead as that also needed replacing. We will have to go back to the drawing board to decide what to do about the main halyard.

Muskie is still surrounded by a lot of yachts in the yard, despite being one of the last to be hauled out. Petros (the yard owner) has been busy shifting boats about to make space for the first yachts to be launched. We are intending to be launched the second week of April but we are now having to wait for our third crew member to arrive, hopefully by the end of this week, but more of that in a later post.

Chris practicing his Pilates

New cushions