37:20.670N 027:16.200E

Chris and Alison
Thu 3 Aug 2023 19:38
> We made it back to D-Marin Didim. We had been emailing the contact we had in Yachtworks, the company going to do the work, to ask what we should do on arrival and where we should we go. We needed to have our black water pumped out before lift out so we wanted to know if we could do this before we went to the dock for the mast to be lifted out. Uncharacteristically, we had not been getting any replies from the emails, so Chris WhatsApp him only to find out he was in hospital and would be there at least for the next week. A few frantic emails later he had sorted it with the marina and Yachtworks from his hospital bed and we had instructions to go to the pump out station to get our black water pumped out at 0730 in the morning and then to get the boat to N9 pontoon by 0830 to have the mast removed.
> So the next day we got to the pump out station in plenty of time only to find out that it didn’t open for another hour. We waited and at 0840 we decided to phone our new contact in Yachtworks to ask what we should do. He obviously made some phone calls and within 10mins a man appeared to pump out the black water. We made it to N9 pontoon just before 0900 where the team were ready and waiting to take the mast down. This happened very efficiently and before long Muskie was mastless and we had a few hours to wait before we were to be lifted out onto the hard standing for the start of the Copper Coat preparation. We will probably be here for a couple of weeks for the work to be carried out. Thank goodness there is a swimming pool on site for us to use free of charge and a reasonable supermarket to get fresh food because being in 40’c heat without a fridge (our fridge is keel cooled, so we are not able to use it when ashore) takes a bit of planning.
> The rigging being prepared for the crane to lift the mast out of the boat.
> The mast being lifted out.
> Look mum, no mast
> Sent from my iPhone