37:25.03N 23:07.85E

Chris and Alison
Tue 1 Nov 2022 12:22

Well that’s our sailing over for the next 4 and a bit months. Muskie was safely lifted out of the water this morning at Basimakopoulos ship yard in Koiladhia and has now joined a lot of other yachts on the hard for the winter. We have thoroughly enjoyed our sailing this year and we are looking forward to next year when we further explore the Peloponnese and maybe go back to Turkey to extend our stay in the Mediterranean. But until then we have a lot of work to do to get Muskie ready for the next adventure.

Sunrise over Koilandia on lift out day

Muskie safely alongside waiting to be lifted out of the water.

Oh dear, we have been in the water for some time.