St Kitts to Nevis

Imagine Of Falmouth Online Log
Jon Constantine
Thu 15 May 2008 10:40

St Kitts to Nevis.


We were up early and left the anchorage at 7.40am.  There was a gentle offshore breeze and we motor-sailed the 11 miles to Nevis in 3 hours arriving in Gallows Bay, Charleston at 10.40.  There were 3 obvious mooring buoys off the jetty so we picked one up and went ashore to clear in.  We had already decided to stay just one night so we were able to clear in and out at the same time.  In Nevis, you have to clear in at the customs office but then walk across town to the police station to complete an almost identical form for “immigration”.  Nevis was the first place to stamp our passports since we had left the BVI.  We took a walk around the small town and managed to get some fresh vegetables in the small market including a pineapple which turned out to be delicious – should have bought more! 



    We first moored at the bottom right hand corner on the map                             Will this anchor fit on Imagine?!?!?!               


We returned to the boat as the port office was closed so we were unable to pay for the mooring and in any case had read in the pilot book that it is better to anchor a mile or so back along Pinney’s Beach.  When we got there, we found it was festooned with dozens of mooring buoys but very few boats.  As we hadn’t paid, we decided to anchor which we prefer to do anyway.  Mooring buoys are an unnecessary waste of valuable cash and are there for the charter boats who of course we look down upon as “mere tourists” now!!!!!



         One of the many wrecks off the coast courtesy of                         Pinney’s Beach

                         Hurricane David in 1979


As soon as we were anchored, we took a swim in the clear green water.  We found a Sand Dollar (like a small oval cake) and several Six-Keyhole Sand Dollars (flat and round) but didn’t keep them as they are just too brittle (and you’re not supposed to keep them anyway!)  So rare to find them in such good condition.  Sam did however keep the golf ball she found on the bottom in about 4 meters of water.  It was stamped Sonesta Beach Resort which is about 2 miles further down the coast so either someone had driven it very hard off the tee or it had fallen off one of the visiting boats. 



Top side of  the Sand Dollar (approx actual size)…….                                                     …….and the underside                    



                                                                      Six-Keyhole Sand Dollars (slightly smaller than actual size)     


We also took the opportunity to give the hull and prop a good scrub.  There was now quite a bit of weed and lots barnacles on the bottom of the keel but Sam was able to duck dive down and get most of it off while I did the same to the prop with a wire brush.  A great anchorage and no rolling so no wine spillages and a good nights sleep – Yippee!   




                                                                                    Very happy bunnies!!!!