5,4,3,2,1 Launch

Sat 3 Jul 2010 05:34
24:10.957N 110:18.178W
This post is going to our blog, which you can log
into using this link; http://blog.mailasail.com Then just
select our Yacht, "coolrunnins" from the list, and you can read the blog and
check where oh where we are on any given day using the google earth tool.
So, after months of preparation, packing and
shipping, Cool Runnings leaves her slip at La Paz, heading out on the 1st leg of
her epic tomorrow at 6am. This leg will actually be one of the longest at sea
without a break (some 3-4 days + or - ). We have hired a Mexican guy we found
hanging around the boat, to stand watches and help out, and after his recent
spell in the Cali jail, I think its just the chance he needs, and he seems keen
to leave as soon as possible.
Delays were caused by heated arguments over the
cast iron cooking pot (pictured). Uselfulness versus weight (my place was also
on the negotiating table throughout). This argument was played out over many
items of clothing, tools, books, and nick nacks. We of course decided to take
everything except the cooking pot and the boat sits now, semi submersed at the
dock, along with my credit card and cheque book.
Our route takes us South East from La Paz, Baja
California 400 miles open ocean to Puerto Vallarta (La Cruz actually, a short
drive away and supposedly quieter and better marina wise). We will do our best
to update positions daily along the way so you can follow us on Google earth as
part of this blog/log thing and I hope Jason will take over my boring ramblings
with his kids eye view of the "adventure" very soon.
Last but not least, a big hug and thanks to
everyone who has supported encouraged and generally put up with us over the last
year of planning this. Your help and support have been great, and you are very
warmly invited to join us anytime for some sailing jollies along the
Rough plan is to get to Costa Rica/Panama mid
summer, and Colombia late summer after the "canal". Then Guatemala/Roatan
Sept/Oct, and back to Playa Del Carmen for Nov for a full service (and the boat
Thanks again everyone....keep in touch, your e mail
mean a lot.
Paul/Sol/Jason/ Seb