Good and bad down Panama way.

Tue 9 Nov 2010 01:57
Anchored by 1.30pm at a little island and beach off Isla Parrida, in Panama.
Palm trees, white beach, jungle, and no people anywhere. lat night was fine,
but didnt sleep much due to surf and big tidal drop of 10ft!
Just had a quick swim, and the silence is amazing, as is the darkness. Cant
see a thing!
Thats the good news.
Bad news is the repairs we had done in Golfito have lasted 2 days, and the
generator water pump has just failed for the fourth time. The watermaker is
making nasty noises insted of producing water, also with a new $400 pump
from the states. Again a total waste of time and money. Batteries are failng
fast due to age and not being recharged sufficiently, so now we imposing
light and water rations!
The boat needs some serious work doing after the canal and we have wasted
much money on unsuccesful fixes. Thinking of taking a sledgehammer to the
generator and making into a reef.