Up a creek in Panama
Sun 14 Nov 2010 16:46
07:53.449N 05:05.953W
10.30 Sunday, getting a bit windy and we have taken shelter up the river Boca Del Trinidad in a mangrove system which is flat calm, as the rolling around outside was getting really old! Seen one canoe and two fishermen. Other than that, the world could have ended for all we know.
Sadly be blew out the beautiful and very fast Screecher sail in a gust/squall getting here yesterday, and that can be added to the daily list of breakages.
Last night it rained torrentially and we desperately collected water in tins, pots, coolers, and the opened sail. End result, the 160 gal tanks full again and we now had 50 litres of drinking water. This was just in time as the tank was only half and we only had 20 litres drinking water left!
Need to get out of here and en route to Isla Las Perlas. However we have to get round a very nast headland called Punta Mala, which is also the busiest shipping lane in the Americas. We need calm weather to do this and next two days look grim. Hunger may force us onwards, LOL
Need a favourable weather forecast and a burger and chips in no particular order.