Cassini blog #131 Birthday boy's blog

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 23 May 2024 18:58
Birthday boy’s blog

As I write we are just putting the finishing touches on Horta before we leave. We arrived Sunday and spent the night at anchor. We hadn’t used the anchor in a bit so we ended up with a couple of practice hooks before we kept one for the night. 

Monday morning we hit (briefly stopped, not impacted) the fueling jetty then came alongside two other boats. This time of year is very busy, with most everyone crossing the Atlantic stopping in, there are several hundred boats packed into a small harbor. We were going to get shore power hooked up, but our cable wasn't long enough to stretch across the other two boats. So, off to the chandlery for some more cable and a quick stop at the pub for the first drinks and food that wasn't from a tin in 2 weeks! After getting the shore power sorted and water tanks topped off we all had some proper warm showers!

Tuesday and Wednesday have been a whirlwind of: drinks with friends, reprovisioning, repairs, clean laundry, more drinks with friends, showers, and proper food. We have enjoyed the company of the crews from “Sally” (known from the ARC+, and docked alongside again), “Carrick” (Army boat known by Liz), “El Morgana” (fellow customs queue aficionados) and “Diablito of Cowes” (fellow RNSA sailors met in Antigua).

Last night we had some decently strong winds, that did a number on the Hydrovane and a dock line. We have gotten that all fixed up, cleared exit customs, and have finished prepping meals for the next leg. Now we are on the arduous task of disposing of the excess alcohol left aboard from hosting our friends, and going out for my birthday dinner! 

I would like to thank Simon and Nigel for the birthday planning, and Sally for the top quality bunting! This is certainly one to remember!

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