Cassini blog #96 Anegada

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Wed 14 Feb 2024 00:26
Tuesday morning we set off from Spanish town for the 17 miles to Anagada.

This extremely low lying island is a big tourist destination for its speciality lobster dishes.

The sails were out straight away and Catherine expertly steered us well over half way through some very heavy rain showers. I caught some of the downpour in the bucket for washing water🤣

We arrived at our chosen anchorage, only 3 other boats in here, and hope for a peaceful night here after a meal ashore at Sids. 

Lobster has been demoted for us tonight as the back ribs dish sounded too good to miss for Nigel and Simon; Catherine chose the fish of the day and I’ve ordered Sid’s special Conch stew. Hopefully it will all be delicious.

There is no dinghy dock so landing on the beach is the order of the day…… be prepared to get a tiny bit damp! 


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