Blog #14 Oh what a night!

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Tue 5 Sep 2023 13:30
Oh what a night!
Now we are safely arrived in Gijon Northern Spain we can recount the adventure it was to get here…..
Left La Rochelle, with no wind and the engine costing us money again! The first 24 hours we sailed for 5 hours in the afternoon/early evening but by 20.30 we were motoring again.

A tedious noisy night doing watches. There was lightning in the distance and a satellite constellation seen, very few ships, just us and the wide open ocean.  Day 2, Sunday  the winds were better so were able to sail. However it wasn’t all a happy tale, shortly after this the wind got up and reefs were put in ……one after another…..ending with 3 in the main and a tiny handkerchief of headsail.

We hadn’t managed to make the satellite connection to download the up to date forecast so we were hoping it would do as we expected……..16 gusting 25 knots was something we were planning on coping with!
Well it didn’t…

The wind went up and up, the sea “confused”, large waves in all directions. It was agreed it was too rough to cook pasta so bread was substituted with our meatballs. It was also too rough for the girls to handle so we were banished downstairs whilst Simon and Nigel hand steared for better control, 1 hour on, 1 hour resting in the cockpit throughout the night.  An horrendous, frightening experience and one we girls do not want to repeat. Totally in awe and proud of our husbands and the boat which came through relatively unscathed.

The damage – one tie wrap snapped and the bookcase retainer came off – this gave a few moments of hilarity as the books flew over the cabin table, some landed on Catherine waking her up, the Heavy Weather Sailing large tome seemed most appropriate. It could have been worse, 24 eggs were on the shelf above the books but luckily stayed put!

A very very long night, Grant’s prayers were repeated and we supported each other and provided snacks and encouragement to the guys. Never were we so pleased to see land and berth at 06.00 Monday. All fell into bed.  Thoughts – we survived, first and last time across the Bay of Biscay, longest continual passage we girls have done and Sally hasn’t gone running to the airport as she threatened in the night.  The support from friends and family has been very much appreciated to help us endure the tough times.  Please keep messaging us, it really helps and we hope you are enjoying our story.  

View from cockpit to follow!
Sally and Catherine 

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