Blog#76 Seeing more of Antigua while we sort boat out

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Sun 31 Dec 2023 12:04
Seeing more of Antigua while we sort boat out
We have a couple of problems with the boat. The staysail jammed and we were unable to unfurl so Simon had another trip up the mast with the borrowed rivet gun to repair it.  The sail seems to be working OK now so hopefully we will have no further problems when we next set sail.

The echo sounder is proving more of a problem. See Nigel's blog.  

On Thursday we had a shopping expedition. We had heard about a large supermarket in St John's so, Sally, Colin and I decided to go shopping and see if we could pick up more groceries with a better choice. Our neighbour Kim, who is boat sitting a catamaran gave us details of how to get there by bus so off we went. The bus bumped along the roads, avoiding the many pot holes and stopping at random points to pick up and drop off passengers. After arriving at St John's bus station, we took a taxi to Epicurean, a good decision not to walk. It was a huge store, similar to Carrefour and Mercadona in Europe but more American and much bigger than any store we have seen so far. A trolley load of shopping purchased, worth the trip to stock up and a good place to shop for tinned goods next year when Cassini returns across the Atlantic. We decided to taxi back, and Nigel collected us in the dinghy.

Friday, as we are unable to go anywhere, Colin and Julia decided to rent a car and go exploring the island.  Sally, Simon and I had a quick trip ashore to update phones and get some cash - not so easy as one might think. We had tried 3 different ATMs at Epicurean but luckily found one which gave us cash in Nelson’s dockyard. The afternoon was spent on Pigeon Beach, snorkeling followed by beer and chips.

Last night, we went to Cloggy's for happy hour and met up with some new people.  After a few rum punches, the six of us went back to Kim's catamaran and shared our chicken casserole and more drinks. I think Simon and Nigel forgot the boat problems for a few hours. 

Today, Saturday, we all piled into Colin's Nissan pick up truck and went to Turner's Beach. Another bumpy road with a picturesque drive through the rain forest. More snorkelling and swimming on the beach then a stop on the return journey at a roadside food stall for chicken/pork, rice and peas and veg, Caribbean style. Very tasty. 

A quiet evening on board tonight.


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