Blog#83 Nevis

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 11 Jan 2024 22:16
Nevis (Neevis not Nevis we were firmly told!)

The hope that customs and immigration would be swift, having filled in the online declaration was short lived. Many of these islands seem to employ generous numbers of staff whose job it seems to be to direct you from one desk to another with various forms to complete, handwritten or a copy ….all with a smile and a “welcome to” whichever island we rock up to! Hey ho, Simon stood in line, took it all on the chin, and eventually, having paid our dues, we were legal and registered, and here in Nevis.

Whilst Simon was doing the regulatory bit as skipper, Nigel and Catherine were trying to sort out their dodgy phone data packages. Nigel successfully, and now a happy chappy, linked to the rest of the world! Catherine less so but waiting till tomorrow to see if her package updates or not……..will let you know! Either way between the 4 of us we now have at least 2 mobile data networks to enable us to keep in touch. 

We had a brief look around Charlestown, bought a delicious snackaroo from the bakery (cheese or cheese and ham croissants😉), scoped the supermarket (very good), visited the tourist information office and purchased a bag of ice to keep our drinks topped up and returned to Cassini. Not a moment too soon, as it turned out our mooring buoy had become trapped under the keel and was in danger of turning us loose in a strengthening breeze. 

We swiftly abandoned that mooring, Simon having dived straight in to ascertain the problem and reattached Cassini further along the bay. All good.

A lazy afternoon with books and papers, plans to go ashore for the “Killer Bee Rum punch” in the Sunset Bar and Grill have been postponed until tomorrow. 

Sunset tonight is glorious and we have remained aboard, all cleaned up for homemade cocktails and delicious nibbles (who would have thought Taramasalata could be found here😉). Chicken stir-fry to follow. 

Love to all

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