Blog #58 -A Note from Mrs Payne

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 23 Nov 2023 19:31
Ahoy there 4P, 4G and SCS!
So... nearly a week at sea and so much to tell you although much will have to wait until I return (already planning a little power point).
We left Mindelo last Friday which is a small town in Cape Verde. Have a look on the map above my desk and you can mark it with a post it note. You can mark Grenada too where we are heading to. There were many provisions on board but we shopped for fresh fruit and salads. The bananas are by far the best I've ever had. My brother is the skipper and he attended a meeting about the crossing where they told him this was to be a "champagne sail" of the Atlantic.  It has certainly proved to be exactly that so far (minus the champagne!) although sadly there has also been some very light winds making for a slow passage to date. However, we are hopeful that the winds will pick up soon and we can get a move on.
Life on board is enormous fun. We're on a 50 foot yacht which has 3 cabins where we sleep. The day is split into 3 hour watches so a question for my maths set. If there are 6 crew on board split into pairs, how many watches do we do in a day? Not too bad, so plenty of time for reading, cooking, cleaning and writing your reports!! We've had a dhobi (washing) day, video afternoon and some great success at fishing off the back of the boat.
Apart from a doctor and myself, the rest of the crew all used to be in the navy. You'll be glad to know that I've been awarding house points to the better behaved ones; mostly teamwork and leadership. I miss you all but I'm sure you're having great fun with Mrs Groome and  Mr Preston. Be good and see you soon.
Mrs Payne