Blog #67 Martinique to Dominica

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Sat 16 Dec 2023 19:53
Martinique to Dominica
Wednesday, anchored in Marin, the first dinghy trip ashore was to clear passport control and customs which we need to do in every island, and then grocery shop. We spied a bar with "happy hour" so returned there for rum punches at €2 each. The first was not quite what we expected, neat rum, spoonful of sugar and a lime wedge. Gosh did that hit the back of the throat. Second round, our more traditional rum punch made stronger with the first glass tipped in! All returned to the boat,  €16 poorer but happy after a few tots of rum! 

Thursday was a jobs day, attacking the never ending list. We had a productive day with several tasks crossed off. Dips in the sea, showers, all too weary even for rum punches ashore so G&Ts in the cockpit, fairy lights twinkling, followed by dinner, tasty bean chilli - thank you ARC crew for not eating all the beans and Snakehips for the recipe. 

Friday morning, as we were all up early, we set off for Fort de France, the capital of Martinque, a short trip so Saturday's sail would be 20 miles less. Good winds, fishing line out, Sally at the bow watching out for lobster pots and click .. a catch. And what a catch! At least 15 mins of Simon vs fish which I'm pleased to say he won with the aid of the head sail down to slow the boat. Then gory bit started.  After an hour or so, boat cleaned, sails back up, underway again with a fridge full of wahoo. We shall all be pescatarian for the next few days!

Our journey continued without further delay, we anchored, then a rivet head was spotted on the deck. Where has that come from? Simon went up to the top of the mast where he identified the problem, not too serious but annoyingly the rivet had come out of a new bit fitted in August when all the rigging and mast work was done. Our hope for a relaxing afternoon didn't materialise as after lunch, back ashore to 'check out' of Martinique. I don't think I will rush back to Fort de France, very tatty. 

Next stop is Dominica, more adventure stories to follow. 



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