Blog #20 catching up on last couple of days

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Mon 11 Sep 2023 18:44
Catching up on last couple of days
Sunday morning spent in the marina doing yet more maintenance and housekeeping jobs. The highlight of my morning was the exceptional shower in the marina. The water pressure was fabulous; a huge overhead jet and the water wasn’t on any timer, so no need to keep hitting the flow button…… magical. Small, but important things!

There were a couple of huge boats in, including the three-masted schooner Xarifa 1927, which had a crew of at least eight and looked gorgeous. At 50m long, she had a lot of varnished wood, traditional sails and some very traditional sail handling blocks and controls. Also of note in the marina, was the all black 24m modern catamaran, Third Dream, with its jetty doormat "Welcome to the dark side”. Very sinister looking! But clearly a sense of humour too.
We topped up with another £250 of fuel 🙁, filled the water tanks, and motored across the harbour entrance to the quieter (and free) anchorage on the opposite shore to La Coruna.

More of a swell overnight than previously but no problems.

Monday. Jobs again! We fully erected all of our sun awnings, from front to back, so we are ready for the heatwave, whenever it deigns to shine on us! We took the dingy ashore before lunch, had a short walk along the headland, bit of shopping then a beer, tapas and wi-fi connection in our favourite bar.

Lazy afternoon, reading and listening to books/music.

The plan is to leave here tomorrow morning, hoping for a “Goldilocks” wind to get us round to Finisterre where Navs Nigel has planned for us to anchor again overnight, before setting off on Wednesday for Baoina. 🤞 for sunshine, wind (in the "right” direction) and no sightings of orcas.

Apologies for the delay in our blog but there has been a problem at the provider end. Thankfully sorted now.

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