Blog#53 Ready for the off...

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 16 Nov 2023 19:47
Ready for the off

Yesterday we managed to do a mammoth ‘fresh’ shop. A local guy that runs an Irish bar here volunteered to help, driving the catering squad around the city, collecting fresh vegetables and fruits - scurvy will not be an issue on Cassini. After we got all that stored onboard, in the afternoon, we went off to swim with turtles. It was magnificent - they’re very inquisitive and swam right up to us. We just hovered around on the surface watching them watching us. Fantastic.

Busy last day on the dock today. We’ve been cooking meals for the next few days, made up some soft shackles and dyneema loops to make some of the sail handling easier - things we learned from the first leg down here. I’ve been right around the boat checking everything is ready; shackles tightened and secured in place with wire, to make sure they stay that way - we did have one pin fall out on the way down so we're paying even closer attention to them now! Did some training for Sarah and Durks on the foredeck to help them get up to speed with the spinnaker pole we’ll need to sling out for the big head sail, once the Rally gets underway. 

The Skippers brief today covered the weather and course for the Rally. It’s looking a bit like light winds until Tuesday, when the Trade Winds really begin to fill in a bit, so perhaps a bit frustrating to start, but this is a marathon not a sprint. Champagne sailing as the weather man said. 

Last minute issues in the marina today: shore power dropped out this afternoon, so we’re all on battery power trying to cool our freshly made dinners. Fresh water also cut off - probably related issue. Not concerned about water as we’re full and conserving it. Bit more concerned about power - with luck the local team are onto it and it’s restored in time to top the batteries up overnight and cool everything down. And if not, we’ll be running our engine in the morning to give everything a boost.

We’ll aim to update you all on the way; and if we catch a fish (or two?), the satellite will take a bit of a bashing with photos! 



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