Blog #11 La Rochelle

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Wed 30 Aug 2023 20:38
La Rochelle

Just a brief update. Yesterday the wind was lacking so we had to motor from Belle Ile to Ile de Yeu.  The bonus, we arrived earlier than planned at the anchorage, however costly on fuel. We had a relaxing remainder of the day with dinner on deck then an early night ready for a 7am start today.

We left the anchorage and today the wind has been more favourable; sailed for most of our journey to La Rochelle with the wind behind us. We tried the cruising chute which worked well but didn't last long as the wind became stronger so we changed back to the big headsail. 

A long day, finally berthed at 7.30pm after over an hour of trying to get some sense out of the harbour staff about where to go. A frustrating end to the day.

More to follow tomorrow after a much needed sleep.


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