Cassini blog #113 Friday... jobs day and the last evening in Dominica

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Sun 7 Apr 2024 19:29
Friday… jobs day and last evening in Dominica 
Nigel and I serviced the 4th and final winch. A messy job, degreasing all the bits then greasing again before putting the winch back together. It's quite tricky as there are various cogs and bearings which have to be fitted in the correct order.

Meanwhile Simon investigated electric issues in the cockpit. Our lamp for the cockpit table had stopped working as had the search lamp and phone charging USBs. It was a puzzle as all worked when plugged in down below and the meter showed power. It looked like we had 12v at all connections and continuity was fine as well but nothing worked! After much head scratching and musing Simon found a corroded wire in the cockpit table. It was still intact so showed 12v when a meter was put across it, but as soon as you put load on the circuit, the voltage dropped so no lights worked. New wires were run and new connections and all is working correctly now. All this had to be done with Simon laying on the cockpit floor with his head under the table, not easy as not a lot of room to move. 

We decided to treat ourselves to dinner ashore. Our friends had been to Madiba earlier in the week so we thought we would try it too. Sadly we received a less than friendly reception as we arrived. Despite 'happy hour' being advertised, we were sternly told no happy hour. We drank our beer and decided to return to Purple Turtle where we have enjoyed several drinks and free WiFi. A much more cheery welcome and a delicious meal was served and enjoyed. First impressions count and Madiba missed out on significant custom because they forgot that. 

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