Blog #17 Highs and Lows

Cassini's blog
Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 7 Sep 2023 10:39
Highs and Lows
43:44.009 007:59.352W
As most of you will know, buying a boat and doing “live-aboard” had never been my dream, but for almost as long as I’ve known Simon, I’ve understood it to be his….. so finally it has happened. We have chartered both in the UK and abroad for many years, but that for me has been mostly fair-weather, ’two weeks at a time' sort of sailing. We are sharing this adventure with Catherine and Nigel, for which I am very grateful, not only do we have great fun together, but costs are shared (and I can say in all honesty …they are never ending!), responsibilities and duties are less onerous and we support one another along the way.

Our younger son, knowing how apprehensive I was about the whole journey, said very insightfully that it would be a time of “highs and lows” but better that than the “middle ground” all the way….. and so I believe that is the way to try and view it.

So let’s start with the “highs”…..after almost a year of hard work Cassini was ready and we set off from Gosport on a glorious sunny day with Mum and Dad to wave us off from the Round Tower. Pods of dolphins, catching fish, glorious sunsets and spectacular sunrises, extraordinary starry nights, time with friends, views of coastlines that most people will never experience, visiting places off the beaten track, all the wonders of this beautiful planet and beyond. The satisfaction of arriving in a destination and settling down for a day or two, fairy lights and bunting in the cockpit with a glass of something chilled.

Some of my personal “lows" have been to do with the sailing and the conditions, being terrified for hours on end is not healthy, but I fear it’s something I’m not going to overcome just yet. Boredom is an issue for me too, I’m usually “on the go” all day everyday and sitting, just looking, does get tedious. Living in a confined space is hard; not so bad when the weather is warmer, but for the first 10-12 days, layers and layers of clothes topped off with a life jacket made all movement very cumbersome. Washing up in a bowl the size of a cake tin is tricky and waking before dawn to get a good start on a passage wasn’t what I had in mind. Glamorous it is not! My hair hasn’t seen a comb for three days, make up is a thing of the past, my bruise count is steadily rising, as is my insect bite tally and clothing choices are pretty restricted. I miss my family, friends, home and garden.

However, it is an adventure, this time will not last for ever, so I try to stay positive and appreciative. All your messages of encouragement and support are lovely to receive. I feel blessed and grateful for the opportunity…. even if a hot bubble bath, painted nails and a freshly ironed dress with a pair of heels seem like a mirage in the desert.


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