
S/V Monterey
Les Crane
Sat 28 Aug 2010 17:26
Saturday August 28
11:00 Depart for Polace
13:00 Stick our nose in Okuklje harbour on the north side of Mljet. Pretty
cove amid high hills. Several restaurants with moorings.
14:00 Anchor in the middle of the pool north west of the village of Polace.
Only 3 boats anchored when we arrive in contrast to the 30 there 10 days
earlier. Investigate the ferry that Ken & Kristie plan to take back to
Dubrovnik on Sunday - Saturday's boat is overbooked, a bit of a panic as Ken
tries to ensure passage for Sunday but eventually all set. Drinks with the
crew of Fly - Jan & Graham Adam, Julian & Tina Wiseman. Dinner at Bourbon
K1800/4 - expensive but good.
Take the path across the hill to the ferry to Sv Marija, across for a look
and then hike back the road. Ken & Kristie catch the 17:00 ferry to