May 1/2

Tue 2 May 2006 23:41
1 May
Terrible night with squalls, ended up on the sea anchor losing 12 miles
North and not much forward progress, a day to forget.
2 May
It would be good to start off with something positive and we can. We have
made steady progress today recovering some of the lost northings and at
reasonable speeds. On the ground help is being sort at the Antigua Yacht
Club in order to arrange a food drop. We are down to about 5/6 days meagre
rations which will be sufficient to get us into range of assistance either
voluntary or commercial, that distance is about 150nm. With that supply we
will be able to complete the run.
Relationships on board are up and down under the stress but we will pull it
out of the bag, no doubt. What other chioce is there!
The forecast for the foreseeable future is favourable with none of the
squally weather of late which produces miraculous progress for in one
direction or another for a short time and then messes up the sea for the
next day!
Hi Tim here.
It looks good to me anyway. We will make it somehow and i always wanted to
lose some weight. I'm delighted with the forcast hoping the SE are mild and
then we can even pinch some south off them like today. We have had SE all
day and still gone south.
The longer we go the more determined i am to finish. I've not rowed 2600 to
lose it with370 to go whatevr the currents. I think the forcast opens a door
for us to get close enough for a food drop (Need to be within 150 miles)
and close enough to hit one of the islands. Time to close this tging down. I
want it done in 10 days. Watch this space.