8 May - Passage from the Azores to Gosport - Day 2

Escapade of Rame
Richard & Julie Farrington
Wed 8 May 2019 11:47
40:27N 026:12W
We are now 175 miles out of the Azores and have just under 1000 miles to
run to the Traffic Separation Scheme off Ushant – the entrance to the English
Channel. Yesterday we flew the cruising chute until the wind dropped soon
after sunset. Overnight, we motored and the wind returned from the south
east at dawn. Right now we have a reef in the genoa and are going well on
a close reach. The wind is due to increase during the afternoon and
overnight, but it will be mainly from astern so should not make life too
Dave is busy learning ‘Jackspeak’ (Royal Navy English) from Peter and
I – and is showing early promise. Morale is high, we are well rested and
have no defects.
Richard, Dave and Peter |