22 April - on pasage to the Azores

Escapade of Rame
Richard & Julie Farrington
Mon 22 Apr 2019 14:58
25:29N  48:38W
We have covered 150 miles in the last 24 hours and now have 1360 miles to run.  Since around 2am we have been pointing at Punta Delgada and making good speeds, but we are now quite heavily reefed and the sea state is just beginning to impede us again.  Still, on balance I prefer pushing along at over 8 knots to drifting round in circles which we did for a while overnight as the low pressure system passed close by and took away the puff and the compass from the Wind Gods.  They’ve also put a ban on sunshine for the day, which means Tom and Ed won’t have to puzzle out a sextant sight, but it seems odd sitting on deck in foul weather gear after months of shorts and a t-shirt!
Morale is good, especially as the miles are counting down quickly for a change!  We have no significant defects.  Enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday!
Richard, Ed and Tom