21 Nov - Passage to BVIs: 1800(local) update

25:41N 65:12W Another good day! The forecast for no wind was correct early morning, but by 11am the breeze had returned and we have sailed close hauled since then on a roughly easterly heading. We have been close hauled for the last few days - very different from our Atlantic crossing this time last year which was all downwind. We are used to living at an angle and keeping one hand for the boat at all times – luckily so far we have had only one day with rough seas, and only one squall, though most days the sea state has been moderate rather than slight so we are bumping around, eating out of deep bowls, and showering one handed! The sea is a glorious indigo blue, but we have seen very few signs of life – no birds at all, no whales or dolphins – just a few flying fish that skip over the waves like silver humming birds. This has been a wonderful passage for viewing the night sky. Little cloud, bright moonlight until around 4am, then dark skies lit by trillions of stars for the last hour or two before dawn. As the night watch passes we see them all parading westward – Orion appears to the east just after sunset and by dawn he is sinking beyond the west horizon. Numerous shooting stars keep us entertained. We haven’t changed our watches since we left the US and as we have moved from 76.00 to 65.00 degrees West it is now getting dark earlier, around 5pm. 420 miles to go! Julie and Richard |