San Francisco, Sausolito and Richmond Point

Paul and Catherine Davis
Wed 2 Nov 2016 06:35
We stayed far longer than anticipated and had a good sense of the Bay and it’s many harbours.
Making the Sausalito Yacht Club our base was a perfect choice and we enjoyed many cold drinks on their decks overlooking the Bay.
The OCC Port Captain Rick Whiting and his wife Nancy made us very welcome and we will always remember the enjoyable and entertaining evening at their boathouse-home, where we met their friends Ben and Anna who told us of their adventures, sailing their small engineless yacht from San Francisco to Boston via Cape Horn. In very sailor supporting fashion, Ben lend us his old truck and we were also able to tie alongside his new boat project at Sugardocks at Richmond Point, as we needed a dock for a few days to do a few jobs. Well, a few days stretched into three weeks with some varnishing projects besides many other maintenance works and another episode of the fridge failing, resulting in a new and larger icebox, which has now totally improved the efficiency of the fridge. Swedish Marine at Richmond Point delivered a first class service and we are very grateful to Bill and Grace for their help and hospitality at Sugardocks.
Having our own transport made life easy and we were able to go for walks after a day’s work and of course also visited the beautiful Giant Redwoods at Muir Woods.
        m_Sausolito last day  Next to the yacht club is the ferry to San Francisco:
            Sausolito etc
                                Sausolito etc1
                                                Sausolito etc2
        Sausolito etc3  With Rick our port officer becoming a friend!
                       Sausolito etc4Sausalito boathouses
                       m_Sausolito etc5 Sausalito harbour seals
                 Sausolito etc6  m_Danny from Swedish Marine
                                                   m_Sausolito etc8
m_Sausolito etc7   m_haf 001
                m_IMG_20161101_153513473_HDR Last day in the Bay, returning our access card to the Yacht Club
                                    m_haf 220