Noumea- A relaxing anchorage on Day 5

Paul and Catherine Davis
Thu 17 Oct 2013 06:23
22:16.69S 166:25.75E
After a turbulent night, we made landfall at 6 am in the
morning sailing through the pass at 9 to 10 knots along with the current and 25
knots of wind on our stern, what a relief when we were through. All went well
and we kept sailing around the South of the Island to the capital Noumea. The
wind took us all the way to the harbour and we are happy to be safely
tucked in the bay.
By the time we sorted out the boat and had some food, it
was too late to pump up the dinghy and go ashore (not to mention our tiredness),
so with our little yellow Quarantine flag we are staying put and do the
formalities tomorrow. Looking forward to a long, restful sleep and some
'Croissant et Cafe au lait' in town in the morning.
We heard that internet here is very slow, so Skyping
will be limited, but e-mails are fine.