Kioa-Sunset Day Festivities

Paul and Catherine Davis
Fri 23 Aug 2013 23:45
The festivities were prepared during our stay and the celebrations took place over two full days. Food, games, challenges, speeches, dances and a disco night made it all very enjoyable and another occasion to get to know people better!
             Breakfast at 8 am       m_Kioa Sunset day 001   Kahia contributed a cake!
Offering fresh beef to the Sunrise side of the village: m_Sunset day 104 Thank you speeches!
Measuring the largest dalo (taro) m_Sunset day 038    m_Kioa Sunset day 099  m_Kioa Sunset day 098 
                                   m_Kioa Sunset day 084 
                                             m_Viani to Kioa 078  Yakona, Kava roots drying in the sun.
                            Kioa Crafts: m_2013-07-29 Viani to Kioa
        And lets not forget the children of Kioa:
                                                                m_Kioa children