Tutukaka-Brothers reunited !!!

Paul and Catherine Davis
Sat 30 Mar 2013 02:00
35:37 S 174.32 E
Tutukaka became our base for 19 days. We had to order a new pump for our water maker and it happened that it was still cheaper to pay the freight from England than to buy the pump in NZ!
Thank you Jim and Lisa at Mactra for your excellent service. A successful family business supporting sailors world-wide!
This was a perfect place to welcome Peter and Jenny, who flew in from Australia to meet up with us.
What a reunion. They had not seen each other for 16 years and Catherine met her in-laws for the first time.
     m_Tutukaka-Parua Bay 046      m_Tutukaka-Parua Bay 045
    We had a wonderful time together, managed a day sail to the Poor Knights Island and had great weather to have many meals in the cockpit without anyone getting seasick!
            m_Brothers reunited!  m_Peter&Jenny on board Kahia
                                m_Peter happy 
                   Kahia at anchor, Pacific Bay, Tutukaka                     m_Pacific Bay, Tutukaka