Day 38 - Leg 3, Day 9 at Sea 'A Typical Day'

John & Jane Craven
Fri 31 Jul 2015 00:48
So, whose idea was it to write a blog in the first place.  Particularly when you are at sea for a couple of weeks.  Imagine getting up in the morning and trying to write something interesting every couple of days.  I will give you a précis of yesterday as an example.
On watch from 03.00 to 06.00.  It wasn't pitch black as there was almost a full moon.  Saw no other ships (we have seen 2 tankers in 8 days), had several cups of tea, went to bed at 06.00.  Woke up around 10.00, had several cups of tea.  We ran the watermaker yesterday evening and have full tanks, so I had a shower and cleaned the aft heads and shower.  Put on shorts, went on deck & had a chat.  On watch at midday to 15.00 - had lunch around 13.00.  Read Kindle for a couple of hours.  Around 17.00, a bit of excitement - The fishing line started running fast.  Sam tried to put the break on the reel, to set the hook but, even in the strike position, the line was still running out.  We never saw it, but it must have been huge.  Took the break off the reel, hook was spat out & the fish disappeared.  That took, in total around 3 minutes.  Had dinner around 19.30.  On watch 21.00 to midnight.  A few squalls in the distance.  Very light on watch as moon even fuller.   
It is now 06.30, the moon is still very bright, dawn is just breaking and I am on watch until 09.00.  Another 6 or 7 days to go until Reunion Island..........
See what I mean.  All credit to Jane for doing our blog for the previous 4 years.  I will try to make the next blog post more exciting!!!