Antigua to Bermuda - Day 3

John & Jane Craven
Fri 4 May 2012 21:46
Day 3 - 3 May 2012
We woke up to a beautiful day, with winds about 15 knots and blue skies -
gorgeous. BIG excitement, John has just seen another boat in the AIS, and
then actually saw it for real - we are not alone!! It passed about 6-7
miles away and after about 40 minutes it was just us again. As I write,
John is up front clearing the decks of last nights flying fish casualties,
some are really small and an become quite hard-baked on the deck in the
sun making removal tricky.
Another weird thing, while John was checking the lines and rigging for
chafe etc, he spotted a pair of shoes floating, how strange is that?

Distance so far - 464/945 miles