Galápagos>Marquesas 12-08-2011 (Day 10, 01:00U TC (13-08)): DTF 949nm (07:00.4S 123:07.8W)

Vries Peter Pons
Sat 13 Aug 2011 01:32
Track: 1999nm
Trip: 1855nm
TWS: 15-25kt (15-20)
TWD: 100-120 (110-120)
TWA: 130-150 (130-140)
AWA: 110-125 (110-115)
HDG: 240-270 (250-270)
COG: 235-265 (245-265)
Drift: 205-280 at 1.0kt
Data average over last 24hrs and between () is now.
And yet another day of consistent winds between 15-20 kts from ESE, the
whole of this morning even some 5 kts more with higher waves, so a bit more
rolly. We have a hard time keeping the champagne flutes upright to celebrate
that only a 1000nm separate us from the promised land, and that we have
travelled more than two thirds of the distance in slightly more than 10 days
with less than one third (970nm) to go. And we'll be the last ones nagging
about a few waves since these good winds (and advice of our tactical support
staff) have brought us this far, whilst boats that have left one day resp.
one week after us appear to be struggling with hardly any wind, so bad that
one of them for two days in a row simply lowered sails and decided to drift
along. Lucky for them at least the current was in the right direction.
Spaghetti alla matriciana with a glass of red wine for lunch, little nap and
another day is gone with the wind! We're close to full moon, so we'll have a
bright night ahead of us until the wee hours of the morning.