Gijima Arrives in Australia
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Wed 9 Mar 2011 09:25
Yesterday we stayed at a hotel on the waterfront in Newcastle New South
wales Australia, and at 9 .30 am a big yellow cargo ship with 50 yachts on itâs
decks sailed passed into the harbor. The boys(sean and Alex) jumped for joy at
seeing Gijima in the mid ships, safe and sound.
I went aboard the vessel MV Happy River about 11.30 am to inspect Gijima,
and set her up for unloading, we had customs to deal with at that stage. It was
really nice to see Gijima, she looked in good condition needs a was, but
generally okay. I went a board and was we were swung over the side of the ship
together, and lowered into the water, Gijima looks so small compared with this
huge ship, as descended to the water. (Photos to follow).
I untied her and started the engine and motored off to the public dock
where the family was waiting, to see Sean and Alexâs face was amazing they could
not wait to get aboard and start playing with their toys.
We went for a motor around Newcastle Harbor enjoying just been back on the
boat, all ran well.
We then went to the Marina owned by the Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club,
where we tied up and started to sort things out, as we now needed to unpack
Gijima, and get her into cruising mode. Big bags of laundry came off and we
spent most of the weekend washing everything from one end of the boat to the
other, as we cleans her inside, as well as had someone in to help. I was able to
run the watermaker and gen set, and clean up items, as well as check on
It was a busy Friday and Saturday but things came together, and we have her
now in the yard getting bottom done and other items.
The plan is to sail her around the Port Stephens area and explore as this s
one of the possible areas to live.
But it is nice to have her back. Still locating photos I took will
post. |