Z "wot" celebrates and we join in

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 22 Mar 2010 03:45
A week ago we were in Mazanillo and coming back after the sunday evening festivaties well after a day at the beach, we went ashore tonight with the Endurance" team with the intention of going to circus. Well we arrived at the town basket ball court which seams to act as town square as well on the beach, and lots of stalls were set up, and music playing. So we started dinner by grazing the stalls with great tacos etc, and fresh juices and 100s of locals. We missed the start of the first circus and so we ate on, and danced. As the sun went down the crowds continued to grow, Pangas still came roaring up the beach. We then walked through town to the circus to see a traditional circus which took me back to my youth, but on arrival we found that the shows were an hour latter than we
expect, so we decided to skip tonight, and stay another day and try again tomorrow.
On returning to beach and square (basket ball court) traditional dancing was on and we joining 100s of locals 3 generations, with the boys joining the local kids lining the court and watching the dancing. The tradtional costumes and dances were well executed and the crowd joined in. Again this was a town celebrating as a community inter acting, between families and generations, we were very welcome and enjoyed it.
During the afternoon I was cleaning to bottom of the boat (you cannot believe how fast things grow on the bottom) and switching out filters on the watermaker, when a boat went past, it was "Blue Moon" a kiwi boat. We had heard of them from Ethan and Nancy who had spent a lot of season with them, this is hugely experienced copuple having been cruising the pacific for 15 years doing 1000s of miles. They are heading exactly the same plan as us and it was nice to drop over and chat, as Rob is an engineer as well and we swapped many stories from around the world. There is no doubt we will swap many more over the next couple of months.
They say you can get stuck in Z "wot" and we can see why!