The holiday continues at Tenacatita, plenty of activities

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Thu 11 Mar 2010 03:06
friends and the location, it is beautiful and has a lot of things going on.
We thought we stay at least a week and we will, and it is a rest for the
family more like the holiday than travelling. Today was a typical day, :
Tracy was picked up dinghy at 8.30 am (there about ) to go running with
Nancy on the beach for an hour.
I look after the boys we do breakfast ad some school work, and I listen to
the nets (the radio linking up of boats).
I have already downloaded the weather and heard BBC weather.
At about 10 am I row the family to beach, up the river (I am rowing for
exercise and I like it).
I return to the boat to do some jobs for 1 to 2 hours, today I dived the
bottom of the boat, cleaning the prop, checking zinks and then cleaning the
bottom of the boat, (this is great aerobic exercise swimming and scrubbing
at the same time.).
I then join the family on the beach, rowing by one of the boats to help with
a job on the way in.
The family is playing on the beach with other kids under the palm trees.
We then return to the boat for sleep time, and I complete a job (quiet job).
Then I rig the dinghy and go sailing (today it was 12 knots in flat water ,
it was 25 to 30 knots outside the bay), but it was ideal to sail. I was able
to get Sean when he woke to sail as well with his friend Zada.
Then we have people over for drinks, or we go to another boat, very social.
Yes a full day, and more like holiday camp as we not really exploring, but
this is a good unwind before our next 2 months of travelling which will be
pretty intense travelling. Endurance left this morning we will meet up with
them 2 ports down, they had been a here a week before we got here.
As I pulled up the dinghy this evening the stars were in full forces gazing
down upon us, it is a good show as we have had clouds a lot the last 2
We have moved closer into the bay so we close to the west side under the
vegetation so you hear the birds and animals which is nice, it should be
calmer as well, as the seas a building outside, making people stay put until
the weekend when I think there will be a big exit south and north.