Los Muetros a lovely spot
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sun 17 Jan 2010 14:21
of Dreams, and I can believe it, as I sit here with the sun rising a bright
orange over a mellow sea to East, you see the population of Muetros come out
50 + pangas which must have crew are lined up on this very white beach.
Around us we have 10 + boats mostly Canadians who are heading for the main
land, we dropped over to a "Blue" a 46 Nordhaven (original) last night after
dinner ashore as they had come up the coast with us, and are a South African
couple. Maggie and Neville who are planning basically the same plan as us
all the way to South Africa over 3 years, but their schedule and route seems
similar to our plan 9which can always change). So no doubt we will be
running into them many more anchorages they seam to fishing, and exploring
getting out and walking sites etc. Muetros has a very white calm beach over
to the left is a resort nestled in the sand dunes so all you can see some
odd green of a golf coarse and then to the right the odd house, people must
sleep somewhere who man these fishing pangas but not visible. It is a hive
of activity this morning as the sun comes up with Pangas going out to check
lobster pots and shrimp boats heading out, plus the odd sail boat heading
out, but it is calm, and last night was a good rest after such a tough day
yesterday (we spoke to some Canadians who had done that run it had taken
them 15 hours to 45 miles ) so we were pleased with our effort and how
Gijima handled the conditions, we didn't even have everything fly around
down stairs which means a lot of the modifications we have made appear to
work (this will make Tracy happy). Today we will move on up the channel
while we have a weather window, but we will return to here.