Paper / Paper work people invent it

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Tue 31 Aug 2010 17:44
paper work needed to import your boat to Australia. The hoops they want you
to jump through prior to arrival. I need to get a special license to import
my refrigeration and freezer to Australia, the alternative is to degas them
(that is not hard) the issue is finding a certified refrigeration technician
to certify the degas and that be acceptable.
This is one of many hurdles to getting the boat in, and it makes what we
doing here so simple, and I have not got registering the boat, (not sure I
will shift flags).
I have often wondered why we spend so many hours getting lots of copies of
documents, over and over again. We all walk around with multiple copies of
all our documents, and they just get consumed. The paper must just build up,
in todays world it would be easier to have an international registration of
boats and a card that has all the data.
So apart of my day is dealing with this, and now working through this.
Today was one of those days that I spend with boys as Tracy was busy with
exercise class and photos, so we went to deer and then beach a good ride for
the boys on their small bikes.
We are looking at having to evolve our mosquito net the design is good but
the netting is not holding up to the sun and weather, and this is probably
the cheapest place to do it.
I have created navigation charts from Google Earth for Nicaragua and now
doing Costa Rica this will give us much more accurate charts than we can buy
and we now have software works with them. We will still have the other
charts on our chart plotter but we found a number of times where we could
not be sure of coast due to in accurate charts. Also many of the places we
want to explore are not well charted any well, or do not have good close in
details, we get this from Google Earth.
Our preparation continues to move on.