Lobster dinner as farewell to Scorpian Bay

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Tue 12 Jan 2010 05:19
I am on first night shift, we located (25:43.340N 112:26.494W).
It was 4.30 pm when we lifted the anchor and raised the main sail in 6 knots
of a gentle breeze from the west. The sun had already started to go golden
still well above the horizon, but it silhouetted the gentle waves breaking
around the right in perfect right hand rock break to the NW of the boat. You
could see 4 surfers out there they were black due to being into the sun
light but as they caught the waves their statue black figure stood on water
with the wind gentle rolling back a spray which gave the surfer a vail as he
started is 1/2 mile ride to shore. The point and sun behind it made a great
site, and as we turned a couple of dolphins past the bow as if to say
We had just finished an early dinner, and we will have a snack latter
tonight, the dinner was barbequed fresh lobster tails and salid, with garlic
butter sauce, and white wine from New Zealand. During our afternoon nap one
of the local pangas had pulled along side and offered us lobster as he came
in from checking his lobster pots, he had 100s so we bought 3 at $3 each
good size, and again Steve's careful planning of meals went out the door. He
had counted on us not using his supplies on 3 nights, we have eaten all this
week from the sea, so I suspect tomorrow night will be a meat barbeque to
use up some supplies, but Ed and I hope we will coax some other local fish
men into giving us lobsters so we can do a "surf and turf". We all agreed
Scorpion Bay (Bahia San Juanico) is and ideal place to come for a rest,
ideal stop on either the way down or up, good anchorage, great people, and
necessary supplies and lovely beaches, if you are a surfer you should not
miss it. On we go into the orange setting sun.
Now it is night, Ed and Steve have gone below 2 hours ago, and we switched
tonight into 4 hrs on 8 off, this on top of our excessive sleep for the last
couple of days will make it an easy ride. Again I sit with my head phones on
listening to an audio book (Wilbur Smith, describing adventures in the vast
"Rift Valley" of Kenya, and I look out at the skies from the cockpit (it is
warm tonight so I am riding with one of doors down, and the amass of stars
is great, I can watch them for hours, I noted in my trusty note book of
tasks to look for or pick up a book on the night sky, it will be fun to
learn these with Sean while at anchor in the islands off La Paz. We have
done this at Cat Harbor in the hammock swaying between the forestay and
I can see the odd light house and settlement along the coast but we now 12
to 15 miles off the coast taking a direct line for SAN LÁZAROS the point off
Santa Maria. The fore cast is looking promising for some wind on Thursday
which could give us a nice run down the coast to Cabo, which will ne nice,
we will wait until tomorrow to confirm this expected change in weather

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