Eating on the Estuary on a Sunday

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 13 Sep 2010 05:01
flowing down the estuary I cleaned the ison glass of cockpit, and attempted
to fix two of my newly found deck leaks(have been there for some time just
could not find them until last night's rain storm).
We have started a mission of sorting out all the lego on the boat, so Tracy
has us all building the different items so we can bag them accordingly. It
is a good mission as all of us are involved and Sean is building much more
complex items, while Alex enjoys playing with them and destroying them as
fast as we build them. We want to understand what lego we have before buy
any more, and it is fun for us all, a little but frustrating for Tracy as
she likes the bigger blocks vs the small lego.
Tracy made the suggestion at mid morning in the pool that we should lunch at
resturatnts that are on stilts in the middle of estuary to south of us about
1 mile. We had been past them many times, but never stopped, so we let out a
call over the VHF to the fleet and Danny and another boat came along. The
tide was well out so the restaurants were actually sitting on a sand bank
out of the water, but we pulled the dinghies up on the banks, and boys went
off to play in the sand as we settled down for a cold beer under the thatch
roof, with a much stronger cooling breeze flowing through. We were 15 feet
off the sand, on a wooden deck, sitting on plastic tables, there are also
hammocks hanging for an afternoon rest, and the kitchen is off to the side.
Out the lady came with the menu on the tray (see photo) fish or prawns and
all grilled.
We waited for 3/4 hour for it to be ready, but it was Sunday so who cares
with the time.
We watched others go past, talked about Danny's travels in Nicaragua earlier
in the week, trying to pick up tip points for possible land travel when we
go south. He liked the lake and some of colony towns, but the island on the
lake he did not rate, interesting as this was something others said is a
The prawns came out smaller than yesterday but well done, and it was a very
taste meal in a lovely environment. Alex drove the dinghy home for the first
time, smiles all the way, he is on one big catch up to Sean.
A nice way to spend a Sunday!!!