3rd day of Rain, as we Explore the Island Prison

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Thu 4 Nov 2010 14:43
third day of rain, and we expect it to continue for at least another 2 days,
yes it is the rainy season kicking in at the end, also we further south in
an area that measures rain in feet not inches.
The water in the bay is brown and there is a lot debri logs, and rubbish
floating about been washed by the tides, this is all run off from the
We will probably go back today or tomorrow to one of islands we stayed at
earlier in the week, probably Cedros as it is also calm, and we can explore
some surround islands by dinghy and canoe. We are also running into a
rubbish problem, which is typical when you are on
isolated islands what do you do with rubbish, but after week it is getting
full and smelly. We found this same issue when in the Sea of Cortez, and we
kept out packaging on food we bought to a minimum throwing 90% of it out
before getting to the boat, as we split vegetables etc which can go over
board. The big difference now is Alex is potty trained so we do not have
diapers which is a huge step, this trip in Costa Rica which really we have been away from cities or settlements would have been a lot more difficult if we has not potty trained.
Rubbish is something people do not design into boats Tracy found the
big laundry bags as the best so when we get back to the other island I will
dinghy to main land and deposit the rubbish.
Yesterday we went ashore onto the old prison dock and with Maggie explored
the old prison that was one of the worst in Central America, like Alcatraz
it has many stories and there are books and films on it. It has not been
used since 1992 and is well over grown, and needing work, but it was
interesting and a good discussion for the boys. With the rain this could have
been an isolated place very damp, no wonder it was not liked and only the
worst came here.
We then walked through the
jungle for 2 miles to the other side of island on a semi path, the going was
muddy but fun in the jungle lots of insects and birds for the boys to pick
up on. It got everyone off the boat after a couple of days, and we plan to
explore a different part of the island today.
The restaurant in the middle has changed to a fishing marina so we out of
luck on food, unless it starts up in the high season which we still early
People have asked what you do with the boys when it is raining, it is
actually a good change, we do school for 3 hours in the morning, then
crafts, a walk or canoe if possible, and then they have been playing with
the Thomas the train set for 2 days (they have not seen it for over 2 month
as we rotate toys which makes them excited when they see them again). These
1 on 1 days make a change for the beach or pool outings and swimming all the
time, while they like routine they like change.
For Alex it is interesting he made a comment to child the other day on a
beach when he gave them a toy that he can take it back to his boat, Alex
assumes everyone has a boat, as everyone he deals with has a boat and they
all go back to their boats, so this must be normal. He has only lived on a a
boat, and has not been in a someone's house for nearly a year that is 1/2 his
life time.
I must say the rain is nice as it is cool, and I can plough through a couple
of books as well.
Time to do school work.