Morning and the sun glisens over the water

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Wed 1 Sep 2010 13:19
It is 6 am I am up in the cockpit and already there is a lot of activity,
the locals are down washing their boats for the owners to come on. There is
a breeze and we are approaching slack full tide, our neighbor Gerd on his
Tayana is planning to leave on this high tide over the bar and go to haul
out about 30 miles from here. He is an interesting guy (ex Northwest pilot)
who is single handling around here on a big boat, but he has many issues
with the boat, I am concerned about him going over the bar without cleaning
his bottom and prop. Yesterday I dived my prop found significant growth so
am diving it again today with a diver and then will bag the prop to avoid
more growth and we will do a final clean a couple of days before we leave
It is amazing how the growth goes for the stainless steel which my prop is,
it is going to take effort to clean it today.
We are looking after another persons boat while they are away for a couple
weeks, they looked after ours, so Sean and I went down and looked at what
has to be done yesterday.
Honest this time in the morning is one of the best, fresh, peaceful, and
full of energy, and new life, I always feel good.
I am looking at mounting a new bilge extraction pump today, something I have
wanted to do for years, now have the parts.