Rainy Sunday but Provisioning done

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Sun 26 Sep 2010 23:55
"Sunsenation" (a 40 foot caterer man ) with our friends John and Sharron have moved in from the moorings to the docks for a couple of days preparation before they leave, they are still hoping to go out Tuesday, I must say when I look at the conditions I cannot see it opening up before Thursday/ Friday. But John and I will meet latter over a beer and compare notes, and discuss it, this is the nice thing about cruising the community, it is Tracy's and my decision when we go including the pilot taking us out, but to hear others views helps build confidence in the decision or open up different thinking. John and I will head out in the dinghy over the bar tomorrow and see what it looks like, this gives you a first hand impression.
In the mean time we have completed provisioning for 6 weeks as this is period we expect to be away from good supplies, we will get fresh fruit and veggies as we go south locally and fish, but meat and chicken etc we have stocked up on. We also got a cake for Sean's birthday in November which will be in this 6 weeks and we have frozen it.
I have started to secure lock up things on the deck of the boat as a number of boats are reporting deck theft further south especially anything to do with dinghy out boards.
Yesterday we spent time back at the kids museum and Sean and Alex got to sit a play in a Boeing airline cockpit real one, (see pictures) and then fire engine driving, all fun and interacting. Tracy and I both commented that we feel like we understand El Salvador now and what makes it tick, and certainly it is the country in this region that shows the greatest potential.
Tomorrow we equalise the batteries while on the dock, and we clean the bottom of the boat before going on, this will allow us to go at 1/2 days notice to put things away.