Achieving one of our goals of more time with kids and educating

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Tue 26 Jan 2010 04:31
Today we toured the town of La Paz on bike as a family visiting CCC (the
main super market, like a Ralphs etc), to stock up and see what is
available. Since this store is totally the other side of town it was a good
half day excursion, riding with the Sean on a "follow me" bike pulled behind
me, and Alex on his seat in front of Tracy, we loaded up full of groceries
and saw some friends doing the same. We then made our way back along the
promenade, looking a statues and people, stopping for an ice cream(boys are
happy to see Mexico has ice cream, and good ice cream at that!!), and then a
late lunch. After their nap we ended up in the hotel hot tub, (hotel is
attached to marina and boys have taken over the hot tub). I attempted to
change my secondary fuel filter on the new engine and realized I had the
wrong filter, located the correct one in Mazatlan on the Mexico mainland
which we will probably pass through in March, so lucky it is not a critical
part with the primary fuel filter doing most of the work, will just have to
One of the aims of the trip was to spend more time with the boys, grow up
with them, educate them on a one on one basis, and really give them quality,
(this is hard to do when you working a full time career). Tracy and I want
home educate them until we feel we cannot do it, to their benefit. But
already I have spent a lot of time with them, and Sean made the comment that
I am not watching my blackberry for email, or doing email all night. Tonight
the two of us played Monopoly (junior) which he enjoys and is getting the
hang of, but I see it as an ideal way of educating him maths, adding and
subtracting with the money, which he is already doing and he is not 5. It is
really nice that he is seeing the benefit and we not watching TV we playing
games, doing puzzles and reading stories, I can't wait for 4 days time when
we leave for the islands and then we can be collecting scallops and diving
for clams as team. This time, is fun for me, doing experiments, we want to
learn the stars together form the hammock on the foredeck, and we learning
Spanish together, it can only be of value.