Cruiser Friends over for Dinner

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Tue 27 Jul 2010 03:47
others on our boat for dinner or drinks, this is unusual as we often were
the social center on many cruises in Newport Beach, and as we came down the
coast we often hosted people over.
I suspect it is because we have a social spot at the pool etc, but this
place while nice is becoming un social able in the evenings due to the
mosquitoes there due to no air flow, back on the docks we have a breeze and
air flow so the bugs are down.
I suspect we will host many more nights before we leave, but tonight I
bought 2 whole fish this morning from the local fishmen and then baked these
on the barbeque. Anything to keep the heat out of the boat, to open a bottle
of wine and sit out as the sun went down with good friends and great people
and discuss things it was appreciated.
One of things of cruising is the companionship of people from different
walks of life, joined now by a common adventure and love of water, so we
have our small little community, and activities going on, and exploring
going on. It is this companionship why I loved cruising with South Shore
Yacht Club and even living on the docks in Newport, you have your characters
but we have our friends and they will be heading south with us and we will
be experiencing new places which each other.
Rain is coming down, nearly stopped the thunder is getting more distant and
the air is fresh and cool, I was going to San Salvador tomorrow but now not,
so hope to get some boat projects done as Tracy is nearly clear of her boat
cleaning and clearing.
One of the loacl guys has challenged me to a sailing race around the island
in the dinghies I am disputing the coarse asnd want to head up river as the
island is very shallow and local knowledge will play in. So the fun begins,
he has a home made sailing singhy I have the walker bay with sails.