Spent the day Relaxing in Scorpion Bay (Bahia San Juanico )
Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 11 Jan 2010 21:28
to sea to collect catch for the day, the water was a turquoise green but
acting a mirror to the rising sun. 300 feet away was a lovely right hand
break with a very long wave, ideal and the we looked up at the cliffs to a
whole lot of camper vans on the cliff above the beach on 2 on the beach. We
decided we wanted to investigate this village so we decided that we would
spend the day here relaxing and exploring and then at 4 to 5 pm we will do
an over night run to Santa Maria (90 mile run). After a great omelet
breakfast and some house clean up and washing we went a shore. We are still
getting our shore break landing technique worked out, here we miss judged
the depth could have the engine down another 2 boat lengths but no issue
other than pride and some wet bums. We walked up into town, (about 100
houses, 2 stores, and 2 bars) we visited one store to collect some
essentials like trash bags and paper towels and restock on eggs, all easy to
pick up, we then went to a local bar set up for surfers which this is one of
best surf with seven great breaks. After some morning margaritas, and
morning snacks we walked the town (took 10 minutes), and headed to the
beach. We watched these long boards in front of boat doing 1/2 mile runs on
these small 2 foot waves with our boat "gijima" in the back ground. There
are a number of Americans set up here for their winter holiday house and
can't argue it is a great anchorage and place very welcoming. Now it nap
time before we sail out