Bounced into San Salavdor on back of Pick Up Truck

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Thu 29 Jul 2010 04:30
and has not left), she was going into town and saw me on the dock. She was
providing a lift to couple of others so I had to sit in the back for the
hour ride to San Salvador, no issue as it was cool, fresh and I got a clear
view. We passed cows, horses and avoided flooded rivers, as we climbed to a
higher height and the temperature dropped.
Jan like me was on a shopping for stores day, Tracy wanted some basic things
like bread, and butter and chicken breast, and diapers so we hit Price Mart,
and then a hardware store. We were through it all and out the other side
within 2 hours, and we now supplied for 3 weeks.
We will collect local fresh veggies here etc.
I returned to Tracy baking a Turtle Birthday cake for Alex, and that she was
coming down with something. Today she woke in a lot of pain with joints etc,
and cold symptoms, and it pointed to either Flu or Dengue fever. Asking
around there are number of people down with eth flu and it fits what Tracy
is showing but she will be in a bad way for up to 5 days, effected for 2
So she had a day in air conditioning on the boat. While I got on with wire
brushing the genset and cleaning it, and just starting general maintenance
on the engines, we completed the waxing of the boat and cleaning of all the
stainless steel, I have a minor job list for the next 2 weeks, which I will
work through.
Had a lot of lightening tonight around us not near us, and a little rain,
more noise than anything else.