Day of decisions and indecision

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Fri 30 Apr 2010 03:41
As you do the final lock up, we had Alex still sick but getting better and
we took him for further tests and at least it is manageable. But he is still
not holding much in, but tries to be happy. But sleep and water and bananas
we hope will he will stabilize more tomorrow. So Tracy was dealing with
Alex, I had to go off and do the final close up of the boat, secure the
mooring, now with 3 separate bridles, and two chains to the 3000 pound
mooring. Then the covers making sure they can handle 35 knots, (I am very
unsure leaving them up, but it provides sunshine protection and more over
rain protection against possible leaks and we can keep a couple of ports
open. I determined that we could keep 4 fans going at low speed to maximize
air movement downstairs while this draws only 1.5 amps we easily make this
up with the solar panels in the day even today when it was cloudy. The idea
is air pavement will reduce old build up in the 2 months, we have people
opening up once a week, and we will see how it goes.
All outboard engines downstairs out of eye site, and all toilets have fresh
water in them, and we have packed final things away. There is a point when
you cannot do any more and you have to happy, that is it, I had Denise a
fellow cruiser who is moored next to us come over and he will keep an eye on
it, along with some others, so I can only now just say that is it. I was
chatting tonight with a couple of others and they too have trouble leaving
their boat longer than 3 weeks, so at least the feeling of nervous I have is
not just me. Especially when we see a potential hurricane building and now
looks late next week, but should miss here and push out to sea, but it
So the final happy hour and discussion was around weather, and travel, plans
and what people will do, lots of good discussion with the new boats adding
to feelings. People were asking our plans and what we going to do, we swap
ideas, and people take a real interest. I must say I excited about the
PATAGONIA channel and Easter Island, both places I have read about heavily
and dreamt about, now we will visit.
When we return many boats will have closed up and gone home until November,
and others will be heading out, some will stay with crew we expect 4 to 5
boats to stay through, and many new boats will arrive probably in the 20
boat range.
I had an email from "Shannon" who left Sunday they did 3 nights and made it
to Jaco in Costa Rica, 1 night calm and 2 nights storms, thunder, wind and
amazing lightening, they are happy to be on land, but they have a lot more
to go through over the next 10 days with this low pressure system developing
off Costa Rica, they will be happy when they hit the Canal but it is an
issue being on a schedule, it is when sailing comes very dangerous.

Swwet dreams