The Tropical Afternoon Shower Decends

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Fri 3 Dec 2010 21:23
I had planned on diving the other half of the bottom today for the final cleaning, but the water is too murky (the water here in one hour is clear next murky all to do with the upwelling off cool water from the deep gulf), but I scrubbed the water line, and now hope this shower will wash off the solution I used with fresh water.
We also need to fill the tanks after 3 days of solid swimming and showering which we have used excessive water.
The tropics is so different to cruise in, compared with the temperate climate of Mexico etc, everything is moist, the lines and sheets turn green, you wash things down, dry them out and then it all gets soaked again, but the weather is warm, water warm so you do not put foul weather gear on you just strip to bathers and go out into the shower.
It looks like this one does not have any lightening which is a relief.
We had visitors this morning on jet skies some Americans staying up the Gulf, said we were the only boat they had seen, they powering around the jungle coast exploring the bays, found it interesting to find us here, but liked our position and outlook.
As the storm approaches you always question are you ready, and no matter how many I have been through I still get feeling, it is a safe feeling as I circuit the boat again checking, confidence can be your worst enemy. But you also feel alone, out pitting yourself against the elements, but in a safe boat. One thing I so pleased about in the last 12 months is the performance of Gijima, she works, the functions we have built in her for the last 10 years work, she is fast as a cruising boat, as all cruising boats get loaded up, and these fast cats, and racing mono hulls soon slow down under the load, and we move well, and good speed not really finding our equal except in Sun Sation when sailed with both sails, she stays with us.But we feel independent able to go places in confidence, and the systems to sustain us in comfort, the boys consider Gijima a part of the family.
So out comes the book and let us ride this one out in a safe feeling!!!