Arrived in Costa Rica in Bahia Santa Elena (close to heaven)

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Wed 13 Oct 2010 00:53
For the last 5 hours we were doing 7 + knots had a good 15 knots at 60 degrees, so we could leaverage this to acc;erate our way into the bay, we arrived 1/2 hour earlier than plan, after a 22 hour run with no real issue except the heat as had too much sea spray to keep ports open.
As we pulled into this big bay (photos to come in a couple days when we have a good connection) it was wide 1 mile, and deep so no surf such a simple entrance fater the last few with excitment. Sunsenation came over the radio asking where we were as rounded the corner to see them anchored by them selves in this big bay 1 1/2 time the size of Cat harbor, and all green hills and mangroves down to waters edge,
We dropped anchor in 30 feet, and then all jumped in the clear water, Alex got on the sea swing, JOhn from Sunsenation sailed over on his kayak, and we all played around, As we were doing this dolphins swam around the boat chasing fish, and the frigate birds sailed over head/ Alex and I went conoeing after dolphins. There are only 2 boats in here, us and Sensantion, and we just saw a most speactucar sunset, as you sit out there with the dolphins snorting and birds singing, the orange and pinks from the sunset ripple over the water enhancing the clack surrounding hills. Tracy is happy with a calm anchorage and a steady breeze. Yes this is close to heaven, and one of the best spots we have been in. We will be here a few days depending on Coast Guard. See th photo of us Anchored at Santa Elena with the sun lighting up Gijima.